Construction Management
The Price Leisure Group and its key Principals - David Price, Mike Lee and Pat Scanlon - has the background experience to support and direct critical Construction Management Services. During the construction phase, the project site and facilities are being constructed and all attraction, show and exhibit elements are being fabricated and produced. The On-site Construction Manager or General Contractor has the lead responsibility for all on-site project coordination and scheduling. The Facility Architect is responsible for providing construction administration services (i.e., processing contractor requests for information (RFIs), reviewing contractor submittals and conducting building and site inspections). The Attraction Producer/Designer also has site representation to provide attraction/show/exhibit construction administration services.
Off-site, the Attraction Producer/Designer is responsible for overseeing the production and fabrication of all attraction elements. As the facility approaches completion, the Attraction Producer/Designer assumes a more prominent role on-site as manager and coordinator of the show/exhibits installation and “test and adjust” sequence.
In addition to overseeing construction activities and making periodic trips to review off-site show and exhibit production progress, the Owner spends increasing amounts of time and resources recruiting and hiring the project’s management and operating staff, including the senior maintenance manager(s) having responsibility for facility and show/exhibit systems. These managers and their key staff will participate in “test and adjust” and training requirements associated with all building and show technical system installations. In addition, the Owner finalizes and executes the project’s marketing, promotion, public relations and grand opening plans.